
  1. Ecommerce Guitar Shop

    Guitar Shop Demo, an ecommerce demo site built from the ground up. The site blends my love for web development and music, allowing users to browse and select guitars just as they would on a real ecommerce platform.

  2. Personal Site

    This blog and portfolio site serves as a digital representation of my skills, projects, and writings in the realm of web development.

  3. CFA POS App

    This interactive game is not just another piece of my development journey but is a fun activity that my kids absolutely adore.

  4. Unix Time Conversion Function

    A quick code snippet that converts a unix timestamp to something human readable.

  5. Does my number look big in this?

    How to check an Armstrong Number - a CodeWars challenge.

  6. Create a Calendar Event With Chrome Bookmarklets

    Code a quick bookmarklet that adds an event to your calendar directly from the site you're currently on. It even includes a link to find your way back.